Friday, July 6, 2012


I haven't been in the united states for the fourth of july in so long... I guess summers are for traveling? It didn't really feel like a holiday- we went about our usual business and best day ever- we got to tell the women that we are going to buy necklaces from them! They were so excited. We definitely got a few AYE AYE AYES! It feels good to finally talk openly with the women about the website and tell them why we need to have it a certain way. I really want to be here to see the start of their businesses! I am looking into possibly changing my flight so I can see the project through- but i'm debating prices.

Annette and her design! She is my apaperero (friend)!
Rebecca and Veronica with her design

After beading we went home to our 4th of July extravaganza! We had SO much food! We made pretty much everything you would have in the states. We also had all of the Americans we know (aka the elders) over and then our favorite African friends were also invited. We played volleyball and ate A LOT. We had so much extra food. Cami and I were talking to Freddy and he was joking with us telling us that we needed to eat more food because there are starving kids in Africa- we told him that people say that all the time in the states. I asked him how we could give it to the starving kids, and Freddy is so awesome he just picked up and said let's go! He said last year they used to have huge dinners and then give the extras to the street kids all the time. So off we went, trash cans full of coleslaw in hand (we got creative, we don't have very many dishes) to go feed the street kids. Freddy told me he was my body guard and that it would be safe. We went to town and Fred took us to the place where the street kids sleep. They all know him (he is actually pretty famous in Mbale, a radio DJ that everyone loves) they lined up for us and we handed out plates and served what we had. They were so cute, and surprisingly polite. There were some older guys there too though that were trying to push the little boys out of the way. They all smelled strongly of paint thinner and Freddy told us it is pretty common. Huffing the paint thinner makes you lose your appetite. There was a little boy named Henry that told us he was 13 (he was TINY) and that he went to school up to P7 but his father abused him so much that he ran away from home. It was so humbling. One of the most heart wrenching 4th of Julys that i've ever had.... considering last year I was in Verona, eating gelato and walking around lago di garda. I can't believe the stark difference in one year to the next. I'm grateful for all of the opportunities I have had.

 Pineapple upside down cake! Made on the charcoal stove pictured below- our cook Sam is amazing!

 Who doesn't boil eggs outside? Deviled eggs? yes please.

Last night we painted paper for the beads... like Rebecca says our beginnings section could be a million pages long. We literally were sitting in our house painting old magazines, trying to get the graphics not to show, while getting paint all over us and stuck to us- never to come off, we couldn't find
places to keep all of the wet painted papers- they are currently scattered all around our house with no real places to walk..500 sheets of painted paper = only half of the necklaces we need to make!

We printed our first business plan! We gave it to Child of Hope when we had our meeting about becoming partners! 

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